Friday, April 24, 2020

Q$ Week 1 Done (sorta)

We have a shifted schedule, with the week really beginning on Tuesdays and ending on Mondays. So, we'll have our Week 1 Webinar on Monday, actually.

We also finished up the Week 1 Webinars. There are a few things that need some refinement. So, here are some requests/recommendations:
  1. Complete the Pre-Work by Friday PM (Sunday afternoon at the latest). I run through your work to finalize plans for the webinars - and hope to find something unique for each group - but it is only possible if EVERYONE (or at least a majority) does/do the actual work.
  2. Attend your scheduled webinar. If you miss yours, you miss it. If you have a conflict, you gotta let me know BEFORE the seminar. If there is a tech glitch, you can still send me a text, maybe join with your phone, or be there in some way. If you NEED to switch to a different one, ask me.
  3. Camera ON (Ugh, I know). WHS (& MPS, I guess) is requesting (demanding) a visual presence. Something about accountability, I guess. Look, I HATE being on camera. So, if I can do it, so can you. Just take some time to find a clean space (with light), wear a hat, whatever you can do to make yourself (somewhat) presentable.
  4. YOU need to participate! I get bored and sick of my voice, and I am sure you do, as well. Could you try to make something that you can hold for quick-response questions and indicating an interest or willingness to speak? I am envisioning a piece of cardboard that is Green (for YES) on one side & Red (for NO) on the other. Maybe something like this folded over a popsicle stick?
Remember that moment you heard school was temporarily shutting down? 
Then realizing we were transition toward Distance Learning
And finally, when hearing we would have NO more regular school for the rest of the academic year?
Yeah - House expresses it best:

2020 IB Examinees! Please fill out Percy's GForm Survey:

WIL 4.1 WWII Documentary
Find & Watch ANOTHER WWII Documentary
Past the link & provide the following:
     A summary & your takeaway
     Avoid the Holocaust (which we'll look at in 2 weeks)

Fun Find&Share
The following is simply too good to NOT share with as many people as possible. Considering how many theater-types I have as students also makes this a required Find&Share. Randy Rainbow is one of my absolute favorites on the ol' interweb:

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