Thursday, April 16, 2020

The END (of Q3)

Q3 ends today/tomorrow! In my 23 years, I have NEVER experienced nor anticipated such a situation as the one we are going through. Power outages, natural disasters, man-made disasters, alien invasion, even a pandemic that hit hard & fast (with a coordinated response & plan). But this? Nope. We have ALL had to adjust pretty quickly to a #newnormal that flips our norms and throws away existing paradigms.

I will be "archiving" the Q1-Q3 GooClass. You will still have access to everything, but it will no longer be active. I will go through ALL assignments and return ownership to you. You may want to download materials if you plan to take the IB History HL exam next year and review stuff over the summer.

On Monday, we begin a shortened Q4. I will have the week's tasks pre-loaded into the Q4 GooClass so they become "active" on Mondays at noon. This allows you to get a jump on or even delay your to-dos at your own pace. Generally, you'll be assigned material to read/watch, encouraged to explore something even deeper on your own, complete a review/summary/exploration, then write your WIL, and conclude with our Webinar on Monday.

IF (WHEN) you come across something interesting or useful in another class (or just hear about it from your friends in other classes or schools), PLEASE LET ME KNOW! We are all kind of experimenting to see what is possible, practical, and meaningful with Distance Learning. Since many of you will have me next year (again, I know), you should know that I do not believe in wasting time and try to do useful things (even if you do not quite understand how things are useful at first).

Please complete the "OPTIONAL GMeet Survey" so I know if it is worth setting up.

Here is something simply weird, but so dang fun:

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