Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Decisions, Decisions

When to open up for business? is one of the most important questions for ANY owner. It gets even more complicated when lives are at risk - especially those who are most vulnerable and those who may have no direct link to your decision. But, in the good ol' USA, there is also something bigger ... politics.

As you watch & read stories regarding the so-called #Liberate movement, keep in mind the basics of any research. Who is affected? What is their interest? Who gains/loses? etc. Trump thrives in chaos, loves attention, and panders to his base at any & every opportunity. Be mindful of the millions NOT protesting out of fear, respect, etc. for the current plan, which is working! So, while one side is out there gathering & gaining attention, the other is quietly at home; this results in a narrative of "see, nobody is opposing us, so we are in the majority!" smh

Then again, this could be replicated by the Class of 2020 in the near future, as well.

I hope you are familiar with the basics of US Government - if NOT, use this thing called the interweb. It's on computers now. I never believed I would have to write something like this though: Since I linked to the official .gov website, please understand that the current administration decides what to produce. While it should be innocuous & informative, there could be some broken links or even *ugh* partisan statements. The pages I saw did NOT have that, but deeper clicking may show such things. Again, *ugh*. Or, ask me questions & I'll prepare answers for everyone to see here.

The deeper reading assignment will be posted later today (hopefully this AM). I have to do some more editing.

I'll post something on oil/gas tomorrow. Just do NOT believe anyone saying that gas is free. The problem right now is the storage of oil/gas. Again, I'll post something tomorrow.

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